SmartCore is a cloud-agnostic software solution for smart buildings. The multi-protocol support allows data to be ingested from various sources, aggregated and sent to the cloud or another system.
We support MQTT, BACnet and HTTPS; therefore, communication with Building Management Systems is seamless.
We act as a middleware integration layer that allows data to be passed through. For instance, we can facilitate connectivity between top layer stakeholders (e.g. smart building platforms or MSIs) and stakeholders lower down the supply chain (e.g. lighting control and building hardware).
This solution is dramatically more cost-effective than other hardware heavy solutions.
You can use SmartCore at various points of a project, but our ability to connect to cloud platforms solves a problem many have.
As the market is still evolving, it is quite fragmented, and there is a lack of standardised ways to create a smart building. Common barriers such as data silos cause repetition and lead to a lack of insight. Ultimately, we need all data collected in a building to be fed to a central source so that it can be useful.
Many clients want the data in the cloud for storage and disaster prevention reasons, and historically, lighting has always been an on-premise siloed system because other systems find it problematic to integrate with it. This means lighting is often unsophisticated, not sustainable and does not support occupant's needs.
We can address this very simply. As we are software, no hardware needs to be installed; we can simply bridge the gap. This is particularly beneficial for Master System Integrators (MSIs), Smart Building Consultants, Main Contractors and Lighting OEMs/Control Companies.