Key Features: Data visualisation, multi-protocol support, emergency lighting control, automation, hardware integration

This housing association owns and manages thousands of buildings across the south of England. Their main aim is to provide safe, quality, affordable accommodation for people to rent or buy.


This UK-based Housing Association were in the process of upgrading their disaster prevention strategy. They required a cost-effective emergency lighting solution that removed some of the traditional manual testing processes and provided insight for predictive maintenance across their whole portfolio of buildings.


amBX’s SmartCore Emergency software met the brief. In conjunction with an emergency lighting OEM partner, we delivered a full end-to-end solution for the client. They were able to upgrade all of their homes with new hardware and software, providing a quality, robust solution.

SmartCore Emergency Lighting Control improves regulatory emergency lighting compliance. The audit process was simplified, and control improved.

The system allows managers to view faults, untested, overdue, completed and scheduled activities, creating a more efficient method that saves time and costs. The system can automatically schedule tests and flag when there is a fault. Reports can be quickly and easily exported, providing full transparency.

In addition, all of their home’s emergency lighting requirements can be managed from one central source. Data from the lighting components inform managers when an asset is approaching the end of life or requires maintenance; this allows all emergency lights to remain fully operational at all times, with maintenance being actioned ahead of time.

The system is installed on-premise at each site for full security, and the system has 2-way communication via a simple, low-cost 4G router, needing no IT Infrastructure to work, making it perfect for sites with no IP backbone or network.


Resident safety is improved, new quality emergency lights are installed, insight is dramatically improved, there is no longer sole reliance on manual testing, and a user-friendly dashboard securely displays current and historical data – providing managers with centralised control over all of their buildings.

In addition, the lighting system can be quickly connected with other building systems through BACnet, MQTT and other building protocols.