Smart Lighting for Hotels

Reinvent your guest experience with improved comfort, safety and dynamic lighting for special occasions.

Ensuring that hotels are beautifully illuminated whilst remaining safe and efficient environments are the main priorities when considering the experience created for both guests and staff.

Smart lighting systems provide your guests with full control over their environment, whilst providing you with master access for main lit areas, energy-saving and emergencies.

Our smart building control system for hotels provides guests with an intuitive lighting system that allows them to create their own unique experience - adjusting the lights, temperature, connecting to the TV, operating the blinds/curtains, and more.

 SmartCore adapts to customer needs and saves you money with our energy-efficient technology.

What is a Smart Hotel?

Smart hotels utilise technology to reduce costs, save energy, increase revenue opportunities, provide an elite experience and enable hotel owners to reach new levels of profitability.

Smart devices, sensors and systems respond to occupant needs, saving staff time and providing guests with an experience that differentiates their hotel stay from home.

Smart thermostats and occupancy sensors can monitor and respond to fluctuations in occupancy, ensuring that energy and water are only used when needed therefore minimising waste.

The Chatwal Hotel in New York retrofitted approximately 1,300 lamps in the hallways, common areas, and 80 rooms; it saved more than 410,000 annual kilowatt-hours, equating to a 90% reduction in lighting energy consumption. The Chatwal Hotel saved around $124,255 in the first year alone (Attala 2019).

Small, cost-effective changes and upgrades and be made to future-proof hotels, allowing them to save vast amounts of money and become more environmentally friendly whilst simultaneously increasing the resale value.

Remote check-in and check-out can be enabled via the hotel's app; guests can reserve parking spaces, upgrade or have their room set to their desired temperature, playing their favourite song or pre-order food so that it is ready for arrival. In days society, convenience is key. Being able to offer this smart-enabled experience can set hotels apart from their competitors.

Contactless entry via the hotel app allows further cost-saving as printing environmentally harmful plastic keycards is no longer required (Attala 2019).

The TV, radio, fridge and coffee machine are all connected to the Internet so guests can interact with them without ever having to touch them (Singh Bilochpura 2020). Voice control is another innovation that can be implemented. Wynn Resort in Las Vegas has implemented the voice assistant, "Alexa", in all of its over 2000 rooms. Alexa will listen to guests needs through voice commands and accomplish them instantly. The service covers a wide range of features, like switching on and selecting channels on the room's Smart-TV, adjusting the lights, picking the right music, drawing the curtains, and setting the room's temperature. It even provides guests with information about the current weather, traffic, daily news etc. (Sbounias NA).

Data collected throughout a guest's say can be integrated with AI and machine learning so that the room automatically adjusts to their needs. This allows for personalised experiences and to be created in the future. The next time that guest stays in the hotel, it will remember their likes and dislikes – offering the very best experience.

 Introducing SmartCore - our smart building software

SmartCore smart building automation can integrate with any system, device, or sensor to create an elite hotel experience. The possibilities are endless.


Why use circadian lighting in hotels?

One of the main features of SmartCore is our revolutionary circadian lighting.

Light is the biggest synchronizer of our circadian rhythm (or internal body clock). Humans are programmed to be in tune with the natural lighting cycle, but it can easily become out of sync, e.g. if you surround yourself with the wrong kind of light in an evening, you will have trouble sleeping.

Circadian lighting aims to replicate natural light as closely as possible regarding colour, direction, and intensity. Starting with a warmer amber tone, moving to a brighter white light before gradually changing to a warm amber tone again at the end of the day. This supports our sleep-wake pattern allowing us to feel alert in the morning and ready for bed by night time, ensuring guests get a better night’s sleep.

Circadian lighting also has a whole host of other benefits, including:

·        Improved mood

·        Less risk of developing certain health conditions such as depression and obesity

·        Improved health and wellbeing

·        Improved productivity and cogitative processing

  • Energy-saving smart and dynamic lighting

  • Manage and reduce energy use with daylight harvesting

  • Automatically switch off lighting when areas are not in use

  • Sensor management and information at your fingertips

  • Works across different lighting and device types

  • Create moods to differentiate spaces with custom lighting scenes

  • Leading human-centric and circadian supportive lighting management as standard

  • Manage individual rooms, buildings or campuses

  • Designed to fully integrate with other building management systems

  • Ideal for retrofit to make older buildings smart, flexible, and adaptable

  • Future proof your hardware with “smart” software

amBX Ltd