7 Considerations for Smart Lighting and Building Implementation

We have released a new whitepaper outlining 7 considerations building stakeholders should consider when implementing smart lighting and smart building services.

Read the full whitepaper here.

From our experience speaking with a range of stakeholders within the smart lighting and smart building industry, these are the top themes that should be considered when setting out a smart building strategy for a retrofit or new build.

Lighting must be considered; it can offer a wealth of benefits and is all too often overlooked. Common pitfalls such as installing unnecessary technology that the end customer does not truly require, lack of connectivity across vendors and a complicated, unsophisticated data dashboard should be avoided. Investing the time upfront to carefully plan the infrastructure will future-proof the solution and save cost in the long run.

Below is an overview of the key themes highlighted:

1 – Interoperability - Data needs to be aggregated and either sent to a central system or to the cloud creating a single source of truth.

2 - Energy-saving - Integrating lighting with other systems greatly reduces wastage as insight is immediately improved, and therefore amBX Ltd - March 2022 informed actions can be made.

3 – Occupant Experience - Employee attitudes are changing; Gartner predicts the healthy building mantra will continue to evolve as employees demand more services and benefits to allow them to feel safe in the workplace and improve their wellbeing.

4 – Automation - Lighting can be used as a medium facilitating communication throughout the building by utilising a pre-existing, reliable network. It can even react to factors, such as occupancy - turning on when it detects presence but also UV lighting - disinfecting areas when no one is present or supporting other systems such as security or safety.

5 - Emergency Lighting - With the advent of IoT and smart connected buildings, emergency lighting systems can be hugely improved through preventative maintenance and automated testing

6 – Data Visualisation - A single source of truth should contain all building data; however, the building manager does not want to see all available data; this would be overwhelming and counterintuitive. The systems need to be sophisticated enough to prioritise key information and analytics.

7 – Cybersecurity - As an industry, we need to be more open and interoperable to facilitate collaboration and create a smart building that can easily communicate with all services. However, this should not be at the cost of unsecured networks and buildings – the two must go hand in hand.

Contact us today to speak to us about a project you’re working on and see how SmartCore could add value. Or join our partnership programme to drive positive change globally, meet the needs for net-zero carbon, asset management and preventative maintenance with a team of like-minded businesses.

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