Circadian Plus Launch - Dementia, Care and Nursing Home Exhibition

On the 9th and 10th of November, we will be exhibiting at the Dementia, Care and Nursing Home exhibition in Birmingham. We will be launching and showcasing our new solution,…Circadian Plus.

This is a smart lighting system specially developed for the Healthcare industry and Care Homes in particular. To find out more, visit our newly launched website:

The Circadian Plus solution combines specialist lighting design with innovative lighting products and an advanced control system.

This provides care homes with an intelligent lighting system that optimises residents and staff's health and well-being.

Our solution has the potential to integrate with Nurse Call systems, smart devices, voice recognition software and much more. Sensors are used to integrate with the lighting system and turn off lights on a basic level when no one is present, but on a more sophisticated level - potentially analyse sound readings to detect agitation, causing the lighting to react in a calming manner. Information collected by sensors also allow Managers to gain additional insights into how their building is being used. All of which enables care homes/hospitals/care centres to meet the needs of the future.

At the exhibition, we will be doing live demos, talking about insightful research and allowing visitors to try the interface for themselves. We are also running a competition on our stand, so pop along and enter to be in with a chance of winning a £100 Amazon gift card!

Visit us on stand D804 at the NEC.

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amBX Ltd