amBX release new multi-protocol control functionality

At amBX, we design and develop innovative software solutions for smart buildings and smart lighting. Our software product, SmartCore, is utilised to enable partners to offer added benefits to their clients. The non-proprietary and vendor-agnostic solution works with a wide range of hardware. The flexible, open architecture provides seamless connectivity and data convergence, allowing users/specifiers to remain agnostic when choosing hardware and allowing for integration with building management systems. Data and information are presented in a user-friendly tool that can be customised to suit the end-users needs. 

The software is constantly being developed to ensure the user has the best experience, and new protocol integrations are added to improve functionality and connectivity.

We have enabled our partners to overcome complex lighting and connectivity issues through our simplistic solution for many years. No rules-based programming is required, and our set of tools allow commissioning to be completed dramatically quicker and much more cost-effectively.

At amBX, we support multiple protocols concurrently, e.g., DMX and Dali or BACnet and PoE. This is hugely beneficial in a range of application areas including grow lighting, hospitality, entertainment, and architectural projects. Historically multiple lighting systems would need to be installed for each lighting protocol, but amBX simplifies the process allowing them all to be managed centrally.

DMX may be used in an entertainment venue for dynamic effects and precise lighting displays without rules-based programming, but in the same building, there may be offices that require circadian lighting to support occupants; Dali could control this. Or there may be a large commercial building that runs its lighting off PoE but also requires the system to communicate with their Building Management System; this could, therefore, also require BACnet.

It is easy to understand how installation and maintenance costs can soar, and multiple systems can be time-consuming to manage. At amBX, we aim to improve this through multiprotocol support. Our open architecture facilitates connectivity in buildings contributing toward new, simplistic standardisation within the smart building industry. This allows multiple vendors to work together to create the best experience for occupants but also the most environmentally friendly solution. By sharing data and allowing building managers to access real insights, it allows them to make actionable decisions that improve overall energy efficiency.

Some of the partners we have enabled with multiprotocol support are…


We have recently enabled ELP’s new wireless, and wired DALI based Emergency Lighting solutions. As one of the UK’s leading and most well-respected Emergency Lighting OEMs, SmartCore Emergency adds a new dimension to ELP’s portfolio. It allows all of their platforms to be seamlessly connected (at the same time if needed), giving a powerful but simple to use solution for the end-user. 

It allows users to be able to manage multiple buildings both on and off-site. The traffic light based user interface, helps the manager of the site make sure they remain compliant, and it provides real-time feedback on test regimes, faults, and alerts.

To enable this solution, we manage DALI and ELP’s own Bluetooth wireless solution, SurePath.


Circadacare uses amBX SmartCore as a control platform for advanced circadian lighting for care homes. SmartCore has the ability to integrate the control of lighting with other systems such as nursecall systems, which are widely used in care homes. Staff simply activate the nursecall system in the usual way when attending a call, and the lighting adjusts to the level needed for them to attend to the resident. The integration of amBX SmartCore with the nursecall systems makes it automatic and removes the need for the staff to operate the lighting.

These systems tend to be proprietary; therefore, SmartCore’s ability to adapt and use a virtual sensor setup is a major advantage of the software platform.

Manchester Arena 

AO Arena (Manchester) is the perfect example of where SmartCore was used to integrate with an existing legacy system. The Arena’s main house and sports lighting were originally controlled by an old Philips ECS lighting system. Our challenge was to both integrate with an old legacy system, add new DMX colour changing luminaires and also take control of the sports lighting. Added to this was a requirement for a custom user interface to allow the site to go ‘blackout’ during shows, uniting both systems.

Have you got a project which requires integration expertise? Contact us to discuss your requirements and see how we can help!

amBX Ltd