We are going to GreenTech

Are you going to GreenTech in Amsterdam? Let's discuss how we could add value to your solution. 

amBX's indoor farming system integrates lighting and various hardware in vertical farms, enabling powerful, granular management and data visualisation in vertical farms. 

We partner with OEMs, other software solutions, smart platforms and system integrators to add value to their offerings. 

Lighting Control 

We offer sophisticated lighting algorithms that are granularly controlled for vertical farming to optimise crop growth and quality. The absence of natural light in this environment means control of the spectrum, and specific wavelengths of artificial light are essential to create the best conditions for crops to flourish.


In the IoT era, building management integration is getting more complex with the rise of IoT devices, smart equipment and the continuing convergence of IT-OT systems. 

Our smart software solution can integrate this growing complexity of systems and help System Integrators get value from the data generated in vertical farms.

Data Visualisation 

We offer a range of "off the shelf" products that can be purchased and used as a front end UI for your system. We also offer custom UI's and integration services to enable lighting to farm connectivity. 

We have a ready-made Vertical Farm interface that displays real-time data about lighting, Co2, humidity, temperature and other factors.


SmartCore is a cloud-agnostic software solution. The multi-protocol support allows data to be ingested from various sources, aggregated and sent to the cloud or another system. 

We support MQTT, BACnet and HTTPS; therefore, communication with Management Systems is seamless. 

We act as a middleware integration layer that allows data to be passed through. For instance, we can facilitate connectivity between top layer stakeholders (e.g. smart platforms or MSIs) and stakeholders lower down the supply chain (e.g. lighting control and farm hardware). 

This solution is dramatically more cost-effective than other hardware heavy solutions.

Learn more about our vertical farming solution. 

If you'd like to meet up with us at the exhibition, drop us a message.  

amBX Ltd